Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Swashbucklers Guild Puppet Theater

Mission Statement: 
To present diverse, progressive, and heroic sword-based puppet theater with an emphasis on classical works and their respective swords. Forward the agenda of casual swordplay as a means of exercise, entertainment, and education.

SGPT will focus on creating a wide variety of styles to create visual and cultural diversity in the works presented. Styles will utilize hand and glove, rod, shadow, and synergistic puppets to challenge the audiences concept of reality and reward their willing suspension of disbelief. In addition to these traditional puppetry styles, SGPT will also utilize modern visual effects and digital recording and presentation as a means of creating both a unified media campaign, and a platform for building future works.

First Project: 
Warhamlet: Dusk of War. Written by Jeremiah Liend, Warhamlet is a sci-fi fantasy space opera epic. It bases itself entirely on the classical work by Shakespeare, and attempts to create a cognitive dissidence by juxtaposing miniature scale with macro scale. The ultimate goal is creating a live performance, but at current the goal of the Guild is to capture work digitally. Below is test footage of aligning green screening with voice, as well as a dialogue exchange with roughly composited faces. Neither represent the quality of the final product, but rather as proof of concept that works towards creating a 4 hour long nerd-epic.  

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